Thursday, June 26, 2008
Day 78 Thursday June 26
No Travel Day
Temp: 35 degrees C
Sunny, Humid
Finally found a decent cup of coffee, and free refills…..Sandborn’s Café!
We spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon at the internet, got back to the hotel by four to check on the bikes. Edouardo, the owner(?) has been really helpful and had good news for us. The bikes were ready! And all cleaned up too!
All the baggage we left piled in a corner of his shop was untouched. Thanks for the free safe storage Edouardo.
Good job boys!
The shop is at 182 Avenida Cuauhtémoc in downtown
Back to the hotel to pack up gear and be ready to head for
On a different note, we’ve been hearing strange sounds the last few days and Susie discovered this afternoon that there is an aviary up on the top floor of our hotel as well as a terrace restaurant and pool! Damn! Too bad we only found out the evening before leaving!
Kilometres - Daytrip: 0 km total: 17,468
Gas: $ 0
Lodging: Hotel Acapulco Diana $ 50
Day 77 Wednesday June 25
No Travel Day
Temp: 35 degrees C
Sunny, Humid
Off to see if we could find a decent cup of coffee at around nine. Three restaurants and $14 US later we still hadn’t succeeded! Gawd! How hard is it to make a decent coffee next door to a country that produces some of the best coffee in the world!
We checked with the Kawi dealer and our tires haven’t come in yet, maybe tomorrow….looks like we’re here for a while.
We spent three hours at the internet, went up to the
We bought supper at the Bodega supermarket and settled in to the hotel for the evening while outside a thunder storm raged and the city was deluged!
Kilometres - Daytrip: 0 km total: 17,468
Gas: $ 0
Lodging: Hotel Acapulco Diana $ 50
Day 76 Tuesday June 24
No Travel Day
Temp: 35 degrees C
Sunny, Humid
We’re stuck here waiting for new tires to arrive and the bikes to get serviced. The new sneakers were supposed to come in at noon today or tomorrow….?
No luck there yet.
They can’t replace the worn brake pads either because it would take a week or two to order the parts, so we have to chance the next 2670 km with worn brakes and hope to have them replaced in
We looked into some way to send stuff home to lighten the load but the cost was really prohibitive so we’re maybe going to try that once we get to the states.
this guy was selling fresh fruit on the beach
Then back to the hotel for a late afternoon nap, then off to the internet café, a late supper and a late walk down the front street. Still hot and humid at midnight…
Kilometres - Daytrip: 0 km total: 17,468
Gas: $ 0
Lodging: Hotel Acapulco Diana $ 50
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