Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Day 83 Tuesday July 1

Dust devil in the distance...

Happy Canada Day to everyone at home!

Left Van Horn, Texas
Temp: 20 degrees C
Cloudy & Heavy Crosswinds

We left Van Horn with extra clothes on for the first time
in over

two months and were quite comfortable for most of the day. We did manage to finish the day without getting really wet but the weather was very threatening for most of the afternoon. We just barely managed to escape heavy rainstorms which were putting down walls of water just a few hundred yards off the road from us on many occasions. We also had to outrun a severe dust storm and had to do 140 km/h for a half hour to stay ahead of it.

Susie saw her first real roadrunner today …awfully excited, I missed it, but I’m pretty sure it was a “dirtrunner”, it was well off the road!

Exciting day for me too….. got a new pair of Levi Jeans!! No more “spotty sunburns” through the holes in my pant-legs!

And while we’re on the subject of “new”, I bought Susie an early birthday present today…a new pair of photo-chromatic polarized sunglasses….”Wow! It’s a whole new world! ”…she was soooo happy!

So it was a great day, kinda like Christmas!

While we were gassing up in Benson, about forty miles from Tucson, a car driver who stopped in from Tucson told us we should hunker down where we were because just down the road the storm was so bad that even the SUVs were pulled up off the road.

So we decided to call it a day and checked into the local Super8 just as the rain hit us.

Yup! A good day!

Kilometres - Daytrip: 636 km total: 20,615

Gas: $ 51.74 Tolls: $0

Lodging: Super8 $ 60.69

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