Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Day 26 Monday, May 5
Temp: 42+ degrees C
Sunny, humid & Hot
Left Campeche around noon, originally heading for Merida but we had good road and decided to make it all the way to Chichen Itza; got there by suppertime and lucked in to a nice moderately priced spot, the hotel Poxil right in the center of the village about a 5 minute drive from the ruins. We showered, swam in the pool, ate a wonderful meal right at the hotel then headed to the ruins for the evening light and sound presentation at the great temple(El Castillo).
Back in the village, Susie and I went strolling about till almost midnight , blessed with a cool evening breeze.
Kilometers - Daytrip: 300 km total: 7874
Gas: $16.00
Lodging: El Poxil $30
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