Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Day 34 Tuesday May 13
Wading where Stan Creek joins Belize river
Temp: 36 degrees C
Sunny & Hot and Sticky
First order of business – find a detailed map of
Second order of business - deal with the fact that there is no such thing available in
Next rude awakening – there are few street signs and practically no stop signs at intersections and the right of way generally goes to the bravest, the biggest or the fastest!
Driving around the city on gravel and sand main streets takes me back to when I was a kid. The only thing missing are the road apples!
The people are pretty much all Creole; I’ve only seen four white faces all day.
We left
We stopped in at
We pulled into Dangriga around 4:30 and started looking for a place to stay, found a cabana on the beach, not the Ritz Carleton, but adequate, and cool with the ocean breeze. We’ll go to sleep with the sound of the waves crashing on the beach tonight.
Kilometers - Daytrip: 440 km total: 9200
Gas: $23.00
Lodging: Ruthie’s Cabanas $35
Name the roadkill (5ft from tip of tail to snout)
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