Monday, May 19, 2008


Day 39 Sunday May 18

Left ??????, Guatemala
Temp: 30 degrees C
Sunny/Some cloud 12:00 noon

We woke up to cows and butterflies in the back yard and goats in the front.

Hard to believe but we all passed out around 8 o’clock last night and slept through to 8 this morning.

Susie and I had a “minor altercation” over repacking the whole bike this am ….Susie won and a good thing too! Now we don't have to unpack 1/2 of the bike whenever we want our personal things. Makes sense, eh?..........(she wrote that last piece in)

Well the road is better than yesterday but it was a game of “dodge the potholes” all the way to Flores!

The ride was quite scenic the last half as it follows along the Laguna Salpetén, the Rio Ixpop, and finally the large Lago de Petén Itza.

The Isla de Flores turned out to be a delightful little town which takes up all of an island connected by a causeway to Santa Élena.

We found a nice hotel with a balcony view over the lake and swimming literally off the back steps…HEAVEN!

We spent the evening strolling around the town the highlight being the zocallo which is the high central point of the island and is the social center of the town. The Church which borders all of one side of the plaza was in the midst of late Sunday mass and most of the congregation stayed to stroll and play with the children. The collection of food and ice-cream stalls were quite busy for a bit. Everyone in their Sunday best lent a gay, festive air to the occasion.

We bought sundaes and banana splits made with pinapple, mango, and rum-raisin ice-creams with

an orgy of homemade fruit compotes and whipped cream, topped with chopped nuts and …a cherry…. YUM!

A great way to end a good day!

Kilometers - Daytrip: ??? km total: 10,???
$ ?.00
Lodging: Hotel La Union $21.50

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