Sunday, June 15, 2008
Day 67 Sunday June 15
Turn around day!
Temp: 30 degrees C
Sunny, some cloud, rain in the afternoon
Susie wished me a happy father’s Day and a promise of new motorcycle boots when we get to
I studied the map hard and we were on the road around nine thirty hoping that Sunday morning traffic would be more sane and manageable than usual. It paid off and we were on the Bridge of the
One of the peculiarities of
The drivers have no special training. They are independent operators who compete with the regular buses as well as each other. It’s not the least unusual to see them run red lights and stop signs and race around and ahead of other buses and taxis to try and steal the customers. They do not recognize nor obey any of the traffic rules, if “might makes right”, they are the biggest thing on the road and they make it pay! Hence the name….Los Diablos Rojos (the Red Devils). But they are a sight to behold!
We had blue skies and no traffic for most of the day and only got rain in the middle of the afternoon. We made good time and pulled into David around four and headed for the Alcala Hotel where we had stayed on the way down. We were fed and watered and settled in well before five thirty!
Kilometers - Daytrip: 443 km total: 14,386
Gas: $ 35
Lodging: Hotel Alcala $ 33
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