Wednesday, June 11, 2008
We are in Panama, Baby !
Day 63 Wednesday June 11
Temp: 28 degrees C
We were joined by Melvin on his Shadow for the ride out of town towards the
The ride out of Cost Rica was an olfactory treat! We rode for hours through coffee, agaves, and cucumber plantations and the air was fragrant with their respective scents. Wonderful!
Coffee plants
By about one thirty the rain hit (“hit” being the operative word).
cloud forest
It was too thick to see through so we pulled into the first gas station we came across and waited for about a half hour until we could see through it and started off again.
We drove beside the Rio Grande de Terraba all the way from Palmar Norte to Neily
We were prepared for “a four to six hour ordeal” at the
Well, surprise!
We were through the Costa Rican exit procedure in about ten minutes and the customs and import and immigration for
Joel and Jose - our border guides
We pulled into David around four and were settled into our hotel before supper time.
I saw my first peccary today. Unfortunately, it had just been killed in the road and the vultures were still waiting to be sure it was done before getting too close. What a strange looking creature…..not as big as I had expected though.
Tomorrow will see us on the road to
Kilometers - Daytrip: 279 km total: 13,496
Gas: $ 25
Lodging: Hotel Alcala $ 35
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