Monday, June 30, 2008
We're back in the US, Baby!
Day 81 Sunday June 29
Left Saltillo, Coahuila de
Temp: 21 degrees C
Sun/cloud, cool and windy
On the road by nine and wishing we had put on our coats, we were quite chilled for the next two hours.
We ended up taking an hour to get through the maze of importation permit office! I thanked him again for saving our hides.
We made pretty good time on the cuota and were into the border by about 1:00, cleared our vehicle importation permits for exit in very short order and were in line for the international bridge and US Customs by 1:15 where we spent the next hour and a half in 116 degrees temp in the hot sun on a hot bike on the half kilometre long bridge crawling along at about a car length every whip-stitch. Yes, we were in the slow line!
The good news is that once we got to the customs officer, he pretty much waved us through after a cursory look at our passports and we were on our way to the first place where we could buy and drink anything, we were seriously dehydrated! Three cold bottles of Ruby Red Grapefruit later Susie had brain-freeze and I had belly-freeze! OW!
The ride to
We drove pretty much through the city so as to avoid the Monday morning traffic rush and were settled in around six thirty, having just gotten a few sprinkles as the local heavy rain had just ended. Lucky or what!!
Here’s a first for us…. the municipality of San Antonio demands an extra 16% tax over the Texas tax for each hotel room occupancy which adds up to a whopping 18.3%! How’s that for a money grab!
Kilometres - Daytrip: 575 km total: 19,300
Gas: $ 26.70 Tolls: $19.25
Lodging: Super8 $ 84
How about those bike brake pads?
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