Saturday, July 26, 2008
We are back in CANADA, Baby!
Day106 Thursday July 24
Temps: 20C
We were up early hoping for the best and, finally, after breakfast around nine the shop called and said everything was in and they would install them first thing so we rushed over and they had everything done by 11. Then, off to the hotel to throw all the gear on the bike and rush over to the
We had a nice smooth crossing and disembarked right in downtown
Sue had already put in a special side trip request so the first stop was, you guessed it, MEC! One pair of rain pants and a wind-stopper shirt later we were headed to
Showing amazing fortitude and restraint under duress, I managed to get out of there having spent under eight dollars! A first in my life! Sooo proud of me…!
Actually the fact that the new bike kind of maxed out my line of credit probably had more to do with it than any sterling qualities that I may lay claim to. (not that I don’t have many, well…. maybe a few…)
Last night was the first time Susie was comfortable (that means “I was sweating profusely”) in a tent since
Hello Victoria !!
Kilometres - Daytrip: 131 km total: 24,294
Gas: $29 Tolls: $0
Lodging: Goldstream Provincial Park $ 24
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