Friday, August 8, 2008
Day119 Wednesday August 6
Temps: 15C
Sunny and cool
It rained all night and, again, we had to pack a very wet tent.
By nine we were on our way, hoping to make it from Espanola past Thunder Bay, Sault Ste Marie, and Sudbury, in through Ottawa in the rush hour traffic of suppertime.
Dianne, We watched for you in the Ottawa traffic, but we didn't see you...
On through Montreal, where we hit the Metropolitan just after their rush hour, then down past Sherbrooke to the eastern townships and Denis’ place in Magog through a cold, heavy downpour from the south shore of Montreal on. We arrived after dark around nine thirty, tired and very wet, and after a quick supper of soft cheeses, pâtés, and baguette we hit the sack and were out like a light until eight thirty the next morning.
Denis bought a small camp/cottage with five acres for $3600 back in his “hippy” days(1983) and has transformed it into a large, amazing showcase home with some of the nicest woodwork and construction I’ve seen, and he did it all himself. Quite an accomplished finish carpenter now, he built most of it with wood he had custom sawn from a selection of special large trees he accumulated, pine, ash, yellow birch, oak...... The twenty foot beams are fourteen by eight and all one piece. The detail work is beautiful! This is a home he could easily sell for a hundred times what he paid initially. Very Impressive work!
Kilometres - Daytrip: 933 km total: 30,321
Gas: $74
Lodging: Chez Denis Massicotte, Magog, Québec
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