Saturday, August 8, 2009


Monday Aug 3

We had all the best of intentions to be on the road early, were up and packed by 7:30 but an older couple from Québec invited us over for coffee and we spent the next three hours discussing the places worth seeing or going to. This was their fourth or fifth trip over and they very much like to check all the nooks and crannies off the beaten path.
Left Corner Brook in rain and showers which persisted all day. We were determined to get off the TCH and headed up towards Roberts Arm and Triton.
We stopped in to Triton for lunch, chickened out on the cod cheeks and cod tongues as well as the speciality of the place…. Squid Rings…..”the best, the way we does ‘em here, my dear, you’se gots to try ‘em! We cooks ‘em real tender, ‘kay? Youse’ll love ‘em my darlin’s“

We had an awful feed of fish and scallops and chips instead. I know, not very exciting…..
Then off towards Bishops Falls and the provincial campground just beyond; passing a long stretch of marsh and water on the way there we spied a Cow moose with two calves swimming and feeding.
That section of highway has seen 660 collisions with moose last year! Moose burgers anyone?

We got the tent pitched about three minutes before the storm clouds really opened up so we climbed into the tent with our books and read till we passed out. I think it poured steady all night!

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